
PCHR Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (26 October – 01 November 2017)

04 Nov

10:44 AM

Israeli forces continued with systematic crimes in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) for the week of 26 October – 01 November, 2017.

A Palestinian civilian was shot dead and his sister was wounded by Israeli settlers, northwest of Ramallah, while 12 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children, were wounded in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.


During the reporting period, on 31 October 2017, Israeli settlers shot dead a Palestinian civilian and wounded his sister in the West Bank.  Meanwhile, Israeli forces killed 12 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children.  Six of them, including a child, were wounded in the West Bank while the other 6, including 3 children, were wounded in the Gaza Strip.  In the Gaza Strip, Israeli naval forces continued to chase Palestinian fishermen in the Sea.

In the West Bank, on 31 October 2017, a Palestinian civilian was killed and his sister was wounded after Israeli settlers stationed at the entrance to “Halmish” settlement established on the lands of al-Nabi Saleh, northwest of Ramallah, opened fire at their.  Israeli forces claimed that the car driven by the Palestinian “sped up towards the soldiers at the entrance to the settlement, so they thought that the driver intended to carry out a run-over attack.  They opened fire at the car, wounding those inside.” An eyewitness said to PCHR’s fieldworker that settlers opened fire at the car and only an Israeli military jeep arrived at the crime scene.  A videotape obtained by the fieldworker showed someone speaking with the Palestinian wounded man before he died as he emphasized the Israeli soldiers ordered him to stop but he sped up far away.


During the reporting period, in addition to the abovementioned wounded woman, Israeli forces wounded 6 Palestinian civilians, including a children, 4 of the civilians were wounded in Qalendia Refugee Camp, north of occupied Jerusalem.

On 30 October 2017, a cleaner was wounded when Israeli forces moved into Jenin Refugee camp, west of Jenin, to carry out an arrest campaign.  On the same day, 4 Palestinian civilians were wounded when a group of Israeli undercover units “Mosta’rebin” dressed like Palestinian civilians moved into Qalendia refugee camp, north of Jerusalem to carry out an arrest campaign as well, and arrested one of the wounded persons.  On 01 November 2017, a 17-year-old child from Nablus was hit with a bullet to his waist when Israeli forces moved into the city and its suburbs to secure the entrance of dozens of buses carrying settlers to “Joseph’s Tomb.”

In the Gaza Strip, the border areas witnessed protests agains the unjust closure imposed on the Gaza population.  Israeli forces used force against the protestors, and the shooting to disperse those protests resulted in the injury of 6 civilians, including 3 children. Five of them, including 3 children, were wounded in Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip while the sixth was wounded in the eastern side of al-Bureij in the central Gaza Strip.

As part of the Israeli attacks against Palestinian fishermen offshore, on 26 October 2017, Israeli gunboats chased the fishing boats and sporadically opened fire at them in the north-western Beit Lahia.  Neither damage nor casualties were reported.


During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 52 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank while they conducted 7 incursions into Jerusalem and its suburbs. During those incursions, Israeli forces arrested at least 70 Palestinian civilians, including 9 children and 3 women; one of whom a journalist. Twelve of the arrestees, including 2 women, were arrested in Jerusalem and its suburbs.

On 26 October 2017, Israeli forces blew up an abandoned house in ‘Iraq al-Ras area, southeast of ‘Aqraba village, southeast of Nablus, without identifying the reasons.  The 120-square-meter house belonged to the heirs of late Rajeh Hamed Bani Jaber and was abandoned by its residents in 2012 after Israeli forces expelled them and declared the area as a closed military zone.

As part of the Israeli forces’ maltreatment against Palestinian civilians during the house raids, on 28 October 2017, Israeli forces raided a house belonging to Yosri Zaytoun (39) from Khelet Hadour area in the southern area in Hebron.  During that, the Israeli soldiers attacked Yosri, his mother Badi’ah (70) and his wife.  As a result, he sustained bruises and wounds in his face, hands and feet.  He was threatened of filing a complaint and later released.

On 01 November 2017, the family of Malek Shaher Hejah (23) from Kenar neighbourhood in Dura, southwest of Hebron, lost 350-gram jewellery after Israeli forces raided and searched the family house after locking the family members in one room.

In the Gaza Strip on 27 October 2017, Israeli forces moved 100 meters into the eastern side of Khuza’ah village, east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.  They levelled and combed the lands along the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel and later redeployed along the fence.

Measures to Make a Jewish Majority in occupied East Jerusalem

As part of house demolitions and notices, on 28 October 2017, Israeli municipality crews accompanied with a military force moved into al-Bustan neighbourhood in Silwan village, south of Jerusalem’s Old City, and handed owners of houses in the village administrative demolition notices under the pretext of non-licensing.

On 30 October 2017, upon a decision by the Israeli municipality, Israeli forces dismantled a sit-in tent established by residents of Silwan village in al-Bustan neighborhood, south of Jerusalem’s Old City, claiming “it is illegal” while the residents re-established it after being dismantled.


Settlement Activities and Settlers’ Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and their property:


On 30 October 2017, Israeli forces moved into al-‘Isharah area, north of Salfit, to stop the municipality’s rehabilitation works in the area.  They threatened the municipality council to confiscate the municipality bulldozers in case the bulldozers continued to work in the area under the pretext that the area is within Area C, which is under the Israeli control according to the 1993 Oslo Accords.

On 31 October 2017, Israeli forces demolished a stone-cutting workshop in Barta;ah village, southwest of jenin, under the pretext of building without a license.  The workshop belonged to Nour al-Deen Jaradat and was established in an area within the Palestinian control.  JAradt had a building license from the Paelstinian Authoruty, but the Israeli forces ignored it and demolished the workshop on the cutting machines inside the 200-square-meter barrack.  They also levelled a 1-dunum land surrounding the workshop.  Jaradat estimated his losses to around 700,000 shekels.

As part of the Israeli settlers’ attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property, on 28 October 2017, dozens of settlers from  Karmiel” settlement established on Palestinian lands confiscated from Kherbet Um al-Kheir, east of Yata, south of Hebron, attacked with stones the residents of al-Kherbeh living in tents adjacent to the settlement fence and insulted them.  All of that happened under the Israeli soldiers’ very eyes and while civilians were in a panic.

On 29 October 2017, a group of settlers from “Karnei Shomron” settlement, east of Qalqilya, uprooted 40 olive trees from lands belonging to heirs of late Subhi ‘Abdul Raziq ‘Eid, west of Jeenasafout village.


Restrictions on movement:

Israel continued to impose a tight closure of the oPt, imposing severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

The illegal closure of the Gaza Strip, which has been steadily tightened since June 2007 has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip.  The Israeli authorities impose measures to undermine the freedom of trade, including the basic needs for the Gaza Strip population and the agricultural and industrial products to be exported. For 9 consecutive years, Israel has tightened the land and naval closure to isolate the Gaza Strip from the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, and other countries around the world. This resulted in grave violations of the economic, social and cultural rights and a deterioration of living conditions for 2 million people.  The Israeli authorities have established Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shaloum) as the sole crossing for imports and exports in order to exercise its control over the Gaza Strip’s economy.  They also aim at imposing a complete ban on the Gaza Strip’s exports. The Israeli closure raised the rate of poverty to 65%. Moreover, the rate of unemployment increased up to 47% and youth constitutes 65% of the unemployed persons.  Moreover, 80% of the Gaza Strip population depends on international aid to secure their minimum daily needs. These rates indicate the unprecedented economic deterioration in the Gaza Strip.

In the West Bank, Israeli forces continued to suffocate the Palestinian cities and village by imposing military checkpoints around and/or between them. This created “cantons” isolated from each other that hinders the movement of civilians. Moreover, the Palestinian civilians suffering aggravated because of the annexation wall and checkpoints erected on daily basis to catch Palestinians.

Palestinian Civilian Killed and His Sister Wounded after Settlers Open Fire at them, Northwest of Ramallah:


Palestinian civilian was killed and his sister was wounded after Israeli settlers stationed at the entrance to “Halmish” settlement established on al-Nabi Salah lands, northwest of Ramallah, opened fire at their car.

According to investigations conducted by the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) and eyewitnesses, at approximately 09:30 on Tuesday, 31 October 2017, Mohamed Abdullah Ali Mousa (26), from Deir Balout village, west of Salfit, was driving his car with an Israeli registration plate. Mohamed was along with his sister Latifa (33), heading to Ramallah. The car arrived at the iron gate established at the entrance to al-Nabi Saleh village. The Israeli forces stationed there ordered Mohamed to stop as it seems they suspected the car.  Mohamed sped up towards the intersection of  “Halmish” settlement entrance, which is 200 meters away from the entrance. When Mohamed drove the car away from the intersection, an Israeli settler fired live bullets, which penetrated the car’s windshield. As a result, Mohamed was hit with a live bullet which entered his chest from the right side and exited the waist. Mohamed was then taken by an Israeli ambulance to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva City in Israel. Few Minutes later, Israeli doctors at the hospital declared his death. Moreover, Latifa was hit with a live bullet to the left shoulder and then taken to Istishari Arab Hospital in al-Rihan suburb, north of Ramallah, to receive medical treatment. Doctors at the hospital classified her wounds as moderate. Furthermore, the car sustained damage after being hit with 4 live bullets.

Israeli forces claimed that the car driven by Mousa “was speeding up towards the soldiers stationed at the entrance to the abovementioned settlement, so they thought that Mousa attempted to carry out a run-over attack. Therefore, the soldiers opened fire at the car and wounded those inside.” An eyewitness confirmed to PCHR’s fieldworker that following this, an Israeli military vehicle arrived at the crime scene. PCHR’s fieldworker was able to obtain a videotape showing an ambulance crew speaking to Mousa who confirmed that the Israeli soldiers ordered him to stop, but he sped up moving away.

Demonstrations in protest against the annexation wall and settlement activities

West Bank:

  • Following Friday prayer on 27 October 2017, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international human rights defenders organized protests in Ni’lin and Bil’in villages, west of Ramallah, al-Nabi Saleh village, northwest of the city, and Kafer Qadoum village, northeast of Qalqiliyah, in protest against the annexation wall and settlement activities. Israeli forces forcibly dispersed the protests, firing live and metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs. They also chased the protesters into olive fields and between houses. As a result, many of the protesters suffered tear gas inhalation while others sustained bruises due to being beaten up by the Israeli soldiers.

Gaza Strip:


  • At approximately 15:30 on Friday, 27 October 2017, about 30 Palestinian youngsters made their way to the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of al-Buraij refugee in the central Gaza Strip, in protest against the Israeli closure imposed on the Gaza Strip. The youngsters gathered near the security fence and set fire to tires. They also raised banners and flags and threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence. The soldiers fired live bullets and tear gas canisters at the protestors. As a result, a 27-year-old young man sustained a live bullet wound to the left knee while other civilians suffered tear gas inhalation. The wounded civilian was taken to al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir al-Balah for medical treatment and then transferred to al-Shifa Hospital for his serious condition.

(PCHR keeps the names of the wounded civilian)

  • At approximately 16:30 on the same Friday, dozens of youngsters made their way to the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of al-Shuhada’a Cemetery, east of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, in protest against the Israeli closure imposed on the Gaza Strip. The youngsters gathered near the border fence and then threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence. The soldiers fired live bullets, rubber-coated metal bullet, and tear gas canisters at the youngsters. As a result, 5 civilians, including 3 children, were directly hit with tear gas canisters. The wounded civilians were transferred to the Indonesian Hospital in Jabalia to receive medical treatment, and doctors classified their wounds as minor.

The wounded civilians were identified as:

  1. Sa’eb Fathi al-Masri (17), from Jabalia refugee camp, was hit with a tear gas canister to the chest;
  2. Dia’a Ahmed al-Natour (21), from Jabalia refugee camp, was hit with a tear gas canister to the abdomen;
  3. Qusai Hamed Hassan (19), from Jabalia refugee camp, was hit with a tear gas canister to the left shoulder;
  4. Yasser Zeyad Abu Ramadan (16), from Sheikh Redwan neighborhood in Gaza city, was hit with a tear gas canister to the right thigh; and
  5. Anas Mazen Daher (15), from al-Shija’iyah neighborhood in Gaza city, was hit with 2 tear gas canisters to the face and left hand.

Maltreatment at Military Checkpoints:


  • At approximately 16:30 on Friday, 27 October 2017, Othman Abed al-Hadi Redwan (23), from ‘Azoun village, east of Qalqiliyia, was attacked by an Israeli soldier at the eastern entrance to the city. After searching Othman’s vehicle, the Israeli soldier forced him to get out of it, open the trunk and then stepped on ‘Othman’s feet with his military boots. As a result, Othman could not walk, so he was admitted to the Dr. Darwish Hospital to receive medical treatment. Redwan’s father said to PCHR’s fieldworker that,

At approximately 16:30 on Friday, 27 October 2017, Othman was on his way back from Qalqiliyia after he attended a wedding for a relative there. When Othman arrived at the eastern entrance to the City, an Israeli soldier stopped him and searched his vehicle. He asked him where he is from, and he answered him. The soldier said: so you are from ‘Azoun!! Open the trunk. When my son went to open it, the soldier came and stepped on his feet with his boots, causing pain in his foot that prevented him from walking. Although He used two crutches, the pain remained. We then took him to Dr. Darwish Hospital, where he underwent X-ray that showed he sustained bruises to the feet.”

Arrests at Military Checkpoints:

  • At approximately 20:30 on Thursday, 26 October 2017, Israeli forces arrested Mo’az Nu’man Sarour (29), from Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah, while he was traveling his vehicle on the main Street of nearbyDeir Qedies village, heading to his village. The Israeli forces fired live bullets at the vehicle, so the car wheels punctured. They then confiscated the vehicle and arrested Mo’az.
  • At approximately 19:00 on Saturday, 28 October 2017, Israeli forces established a checkpoint on Ya’boud-Jenin Road branching from Jenin-Nablus Road. They stopped Palestinian civilians’ vehicles, checked their IDs, and arrested Omar ‘Adnan Yaseen Hamarsha (26), from Ya’boud village.
  • At approximately 11:50 on Monday, 30 October 2017, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance to ‘Azoun village, east of Qalqiliyia. They stopped Palestinian civilians’ vehicles, checked their IDs, and arrested Ahmed Hamdan al-Ra’iy (48), from Qalqiliyia.

Efforts to Create Jewish majority


Israeli forces escalated their attacks on Palestinian civilians and their property. They have also continued their raids on al-Aqsa Mosque and denied the Palestinians access to it:

  • Arrests and Incursions:


  • At approximately 13:00 on Saturday, 28 October 2017, Israeli forces stationed at al-Asbat (Lions Gate) in occupied Jerusalem, arrested a former prisoner Hanadi al-Helwani and then took her to an investigation center. It should be noted that Hanadi is a teacher in al-Aqsa Mosque and was arrested while attempting to enter the al-Aqsa Mosque for the first time after the Israeli authorities’ decision of deporting her expired.


  • At approximately 19:30 on Saturday, Israeli forces arrested Prof. Raied Fathi and Prof. Mohamed al-Baseet from al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. Both of them were taken to an investigation center. An eyewitness said to PCHR’s fieldworker that the two professors organized a panel discussion to publish a new book in al-Qibli Mosque. The eyewitness also said that after the panel discussion finished and the worshipers and participants were going out following the Isha prayer, Israeli forces raided the mosque and arrested the professors. They then took them for investigation. Moreover, the Israeli forces warned the worshipers of organizing any activities inside al-Aqsa Mosque, threatening of arresting anyone who will organize such activities. It should be noted the abovementioned panel dissuasion was covered by media.
  • At approximately 00:00 on Monday, 30 October 2017, Israeli forces moved into al-Tour neighborhood, east of occupied Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched houses from which they arrested Manal Abu Isninah, Badawi Abu ‘Asab, and Rasheed al-Rashq.


  • At approximately 01:00 on Monday, Israeli forces moved into al-‘Isawiyia village, northeast of occupied Jerusalem. They raided and searched a house belonging to Mohamed ‘Awadallah Derbas (23) and arrested him.


  • At approximately 20:00 on Monday, a group of Israeli undercover units “Mosta’rebin” dressed liked Paelstinian civilians moved into Qalendia refugee camp, north of occupied Jerusalem, through civil vehicles. They stepped out of the vehicles and then opened fire at 2 Palestinian civilians who were at the entrance to the camp. As a result, one of the 2 civilians was wounded and both of them were arrested. The arrestees were identified as Islam Ali ‘Odwan (29) and Husam Manasrah (27). Following that, a group of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones at Israeli forces, who fired live bullets and rubber-coated metal bullets at them. As a result, a civilian was hit with a metal bullet to the head while 2 other civilians were hit with live bullets to the lower limbs. All of the wounded persons were then taken to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah to receive medical treatment.


  • At approximately 01:00 on Tuesday, 31 October 2017, Israeli forces moved into Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched a house belonging to Mohamed Mousa ‘Odah (26) and arrested him.


  • At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Sho’afat neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched a house belonging to Majed Khashan (24) and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:00 on Tuesday, Israeli forces moved into Hizmah village, northeast of occupied Jerusalem. They raided and searched a house belonging to Mohamed Hussain Khalaf and arrested him.


  • Houses Demolition


  • At approximately 10:00 On Saturday, 28 October 2017, The Israeli Municipality staffs accompanied with a military force moved into al-Bustan neighborhood in Silwan village, south of the Old City. They handed owners of houses in the neighborhood administrative demolition notices under the pretext of non-licensing. The notified houses belong to Faiz Abu Diyab, Waleed Abu Diyab, Mohamed Qara’een, ‘Alaa Hamdan, Monther Abu Saleh, and Abu Sunienah family.


  • At approximately 16:00 on Monday, 30 October 2017, Israeli forces dismantled a sit-in tent established by Silwan village’s residents in al-Bustan neighborhood, south of occupied East Jerusalem, upon a decision by the Israeli municipality claiming the tent is illegal. However, the residents later re-established the tent. Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli Municipality staff accompanied with Israeli forces surprisingly raided the tent and after taking photos of the tent, they hanged a decision “to remove the tent within an hour,” or they will raid it again to implement the decision. As a result, Head of Committee for the Defense of Real Estate in Silwan, its members, activists from Silwan village, youngsters, and women headed to the sit-in tent to protest the decision. The Head of Committee for the Defense of Real Estate in Silwan, Murad Abu Shafe’a, said that the Israeli Municipality issued a decision to remove the tent established since 2009, and to protest this decision, they protested inside the tent. After an hour of hanging the decision, the Israeli forces moved into al-Bustan neighborhood, surrounded the tent, and then raided it. In the meantime, the Israeli forces beat the residents and pushed them without regard to presence of women, children and elderly men. Abu Shafe’a also said that the Israeli forces indiscriminately fired sound bombs to disperse those in the vicinity f the tent while other soldiers began to dismantle the tent. The neighborhood’s lawyer headed to the court, where he obtained a decision that the tent is legal and it is not permissible to be demolished. He added that he asked the officer in charge to delay the demolition decision until the court issues a decision, but he refused and ordered to remove the tent. Abu Shafe’a said that the tent which was established years ago will always be a symbol of challenge and steadfastness before the demolition decisions which aim at expelling people from their homes and the land of their forefathers and fathers. He added that the tent was established for peaceful and popular activities in protest at the Israeli Municipality’s unjust decisions either the demolition decisions or other violations against residents.
  • Settlement activities and attacks by settlers against Palestinian civilians and property

Israeli forces’ attacks:

At approximately 09:00 on Monday, 30 October 2017, Israeli forces moved into Salfit and raided al-‘Ashara area from the northern side. The Israeli forces threatened the municipality council to confiscate all bulldozers belonging to the municipality if they continue their works in the area, under the pretext that they are located in Area (C), which is under the Israeli control according to the 1993 Oslo Accords.

Fathi ‘Alqam from Salfit Municipality staff said to PCHR’s fieldworker that,

On Thursday, 26 October 2017, a force of Israeli soldiers arrived at al-‘Ashara area prevented a bulldozer driver from working. The driver was detained while being shackled for 15 minutes and raising his hands up because he works in the area classified as (C) adjacent to the fence surrounding the settlements.  On Saturday, 28 October 2017, civilians contacted us to tell us that an Israeli force came to stop the bulldozers from working. We contacted the Palestinian Liaison and then went with the Palestinian liaison officers to the area, where we met with the Israeli liaison officers and civil administration officers, who informed us that we were not allowed to work in that area at all. On Monday, 30 October 2017, the Palestinian liaison contacted us to inform us that the Israeli Liaison called and told them that they will head to the area in order to confiscate all the bulldozers working there, forcing us to stop working in the area and stop the whole project.”


At approximately 05:30 on Tuesday, 31 October 2017, Israeli forces accompanied with a bulldozer moved into Barta’a village, southwest of Jenin. They then stationed at the entrance to the village. The bulldozer then demolished a stone-cutting workshop, under the pretext of non-licensing. The workshop belongs to Nour al-Deen Mahmoud Adeeb Jaradat from Jenin. It should be noted that the workshop is located with the area under the Palestinian Authority’s control, and Jaradat have a license from the Palestinian Authority, but the Israeli forces do not recognize it. The workshop was destroyed along with 3 stone-cutting machines. The machines were in a 200-square-meter barrack. The Israeli forces also leveled a dunum around the workshop. Jaradat estimated his losses at more than NIS 700,000.


Israeli settlers’ attacks:


On Friday late night, 28 October 2017, dozens of Israeli settlers from “Karmiel” settlement in Kherbit Um al-Khair, east of Yatta village, south of Hebron, threw stones at the Khirbah residents, who live in the tents adjacent to the settlement’s fence. They also cursed the residents under the Israeli forces’ very eyes while civilians were in a panic. The Israeli settlers previously ordered the residents to demolish the ten, which established near the settlement’s security fence to prevent the settlement expansion, for which the settlers repeatedly attempt to expel the Kherbah residents. The Israeli authorities also build new buildings and apartments in the above-mentioned settlement in the uninhabited lands, preventing al-Kherbah residents from approaching with their sheep or camping in the area. Over the past years, Khirbet has witnessed the demolition of residential rooms and tents under the pretext of non-licensing.

At approximately 09:00 on Sunday, 29 October 2017, a group of Israeli settlers from “Karni Shomron” settlement, east of Qalqiliyia, uprooted about 40 olive trees from lands belonging to the heirs of late Subhi Abdel Razek ‘Eid, known as al-Harika al-Gharbiya area, west of Jeensafut village. It should be noted that the Israeli settlers previously burnt the trees in the abovementioned lands few months ago and there is a case pending in the Beit El Court, which issued a decision after considering the case that the two parties (the plaintiff and defendant) should stop working in the lands until the issuance of the final decision in favor of one of them. Abed al-Salam Subhi Abed al-Razek ‘Eid said to PCHR’s fieldworker that,

“At approximately 09:00 on Sunday, 29 October 2017, we received a phone call from our relatives who told us that the Israeli settlers started working in al-Harika al-Gharbiya area. Few minutes later, we went to the area to find the Israeli forces along with settlers there while the Israeli bulldozers were uprooting the olive trees, which the settlers previously burnt. When the olive trees started to get green again, the Israeli settlers uprooted them. We tried to approach to prevent the bulldozers from uprooting the trees, but the settlers threatened to kill us. One of them said: “If anyone approached, he will be shot and killed, so we went back without being able to do anything.  All of this happened under the Israeli forces’ very eyes were in the area as well. The number of the uprooted trees is 40.”


Recommendations to the International Community

PCHR warns of the escalating settlement construction in the West Bank, the attempts to legitimize settlement outposts established on Palestinian lands in the West Bank and the continued summary executions of Palestinian civilians under the pretext that they pose a security threat to the Israeli forces. PCHR reminds the international community that thousands of Palestinian civilians have been rendered homeless and lived in caravans under tragic circumstances due to the latest Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip that has been under a tight closure for almost 10 years. PCHR welcomes the UN Security Council’s Resolution No. 2334, which states that settlements are a blatant violation of the Geneva Conventions and calls upon Israel to stop them and not to recognize any demographic change in the oPt since 1967.  PCHR hopes this resolution will pave the way for eliminating the settlement crime and bring to justice those responsible for it. PCHR further reiterates that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are still under Israeli occupation in spite of Israel’s unilateral disengagement plan of 2005.  PCHR emphasizes that there is international recognition of Israel’s obligation to respect international human rights instruments and international humanitarian law.  Israel is bound to apply international human rights law and the law of war, sometimes reciprocally and other times in parallel, in a way that achieves the best protection for civilians and remedy for the victims.

  1. PCHR calls upon the international community to respect the Security Council’s Resolution No. 2334 and to ensure that Israel respects it as well, in particular point 5 which obliges Israel not to deal with settlements as if they were part of Israel.
  2. PCHR calls upon the ICC in 2017 to open an investigation into Israeli crimes committed in the oPt, particularly the settlement crimes and the 2014 offensive on the Gaza Strip.
  3. PCHR Calls upon the European Union (EU) and all international bodies to boycott settlements and ban working and investing in them in application of their obligations according to international human rights law and international humanitarian law considering settlements as a war crime.
  4. PCHR calls upon the international community to use all available means to allow the Palestinian people to enjoy their right to self-determination through the establishment of the Palestinian State, which was recognized by the UN General Assembly with a vast majority, using all international legal mechanisms, including sanctions to end the occupation of the State of Palestine.
  5. PCHR calls upon the international community and United Nations to take all necessary measures to stop Israeli policies aimed at creating a Jewish demographic majority in Jerusalem and at voiding Palestine from its original inhabitants through deportations and house demolitions as a collective punishment, which violates international humanitarian law, amounting to a crime against humanity.
  6. PCHR calls upon the international community to condemn summary executions carried out by Israeli forces against Palestinians and to pressurize Israel to stop them.
  7. PCHR calls upon the States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC to work hard to hold Israeli war criminals accountable.
  8. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to fulfill their obligations under article (1) of the Convention to ensure respect for the Conventions under all circumstances, and under articles (146) and (147) to search for and prosecute those responsible for committing grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions to ensure justice and remedy for Palestinian victims, especially in light of the almost complete denial of justice for them before the Israeli judiciary.
  9. PCHR calls upon the international community to speed up the reconstruction process necessary because of the destruction inflicted by the Israeli offensive on Gaza.
  10. PCHR calls for a prompt intervention to compel the Israeli authorities to lift the closure that obstructs the freedom of movement of goods and 1.8 million civilians that experience unprecedented economic, social, political and cultural hardships due to collective punishment policies and retaliatory action against civilians.
  11. PCHR calls upon the European Union to apply human rights standards embedded in the EU-Israel Association Agreement and to respect its obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights when dealing with Israel.
  12. PCHR calls upon the international community, especially states that import Israeli weapons and military services, to meet their moral and legal responsibility not to allow Israel to use the offensive in Gaza to test new weapons and not accept training services based on the field experience in Gaza in order to avoid turning Palestinian civilians in Gaza into testing objects for Israeli weapons and military tactics.
  13. PCHR calls upon the parties to international human rights instruments, especially the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), to pressurize Israel to comply with its provisions in the oPt and to compel it to incorporate the human rights situation in the oPt in its reports submitted to the relevant committees.
  14. PCHR calls upon the EU and international human rights bodies to pressurize the Israeli forces to stop their attacks against Palestinian fishermen and farmers, mainly in the border area.

Fully detailed document available at the official website of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR).

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